Frequently asked questions

What is Clubfoot?

Clubfoot (also called talipes equinovarus) is a general term used to describe a range of unusual positions
of the foot. Each of the following characteristics may be present, and each may vary from mild to severe:
• The foot (especially the heel) is usually smaller than normal.
• The foot may point downward.
• The front of the foot may be rotated toward the other foot.
• The foot may turn in (known as inversion), and in extreme cases the bottom of the foot can point up.

Most types of clubfoot are present at birth (congenital clubfoot). Clubfoot can occur in one foot or both feet.
In almost half of affected infants, both feet are involved. Although clubfoot is painless in babies, treatment
should begin immediately, as delaying therapy can cause significant problems as the child grows. With early
treatment, most children born with clubfoot are able to lead normal lives.

What is the Ponseti Method?

The Ponseti Method is a nonsurgical treatment process that was developed by
Dr. Ignacio Ponseti. The method utilizes a series of casts that gradually move the foot to the correct position. Each week the cast is removed and replaced with a new cast.

Do the buckles go to the inside of the foot or to the outside of the foot?

The AFO was designed with the buckles set to the inside of the foot. This design feature is to aid parents in the donning and doffing of the AFOs. Ponseti experts do allow buckles to the outside of the foot based on professional preference or customer convenience. It will not alter the performance or risk of injury by orienting the buckles outward.

I just received my order, and the AFOs seem too big/too small. Is there a different size that would work better?

Contact your point of purchase

The child’s heel is not down in the AFO. Is something wrong?

If the heel is not visible in the heel opening, check with your physician to ensure the clubfoot is fully corrected. If the physician indicates that the correction is good, it may not be necessary to force the heel down into the AFO, as this can lead to skin irritation, bracing discomfort, and reduced bracing compliance.

How long will each pair of AFOs last?

On average, an AFO will last 4-9 months. Some children grow rapidly and will
need new AFO’s within three months. As the child’s growth rate slows, more
time can be expected from each AFO.

How long will the bar last?

The bars are adjustable and should last approximately 2-3 iterations of AFOs. The bar width should be periodically checked and adjusted to match the child’s shoulder width or as recommended by your physician or orthotist.